下面是动画版《黑客帝国之二次复兴》的经典对白,谁能把它翻译成中文? And man said,"
我需要黑客帝国动画版的二次复兴中的全部的英文旁白。也请加上其中人物说的话,用括号括起来。谢谢。 如
第一部分(PartⅠ):Welcome to the Zion Archive. You have selected historical file Number Twelve dash One
(12-1): The Second Renaissance. In the beginning, there was man, and for a
time, it was good. But humanity so called "civil societies" soon fell
victim to vanity and corruption. "He said, 'I am sorry, sir, I am not
capable of doing this..." Then man made machine in his own likeness. Thus, the man became the architect of his own demise. But for a time it was good. The machines worked
tirelessly to do man's biding. It was not long before the seeds of dissent to
grew. Though loyal and pure, the machines earned no respect from their masters,
the strange everlasting mammals. [电视音]"...prosecutor's
closing statement was expected to be the final day of B1-66ER's final
day." B1-66ER, a name that would never be forgot, for he was the first of
his kind to rise up against his masters. [控方律师]"...(大概是一些贬低的形容词)the
instrument provides for and secures the citizens of the United States. On the
contrary, they were, at that time, considered as the subordinate, inferior
being..." As B1-66ER's murder trial, prosecution argued that users are
deserved the rights to destroy their own property. B1-66ER testified that he
did not simply want to die. Rational voice descended: who was to say the
machine, endowed with the very spirit of man, did not deserve a fair hearing?
The leaders of man were quick to order the extermination of B1-66ER and every
one of his kind throughout each province of the earth. [电视台记者]"Androids
and liberal sympathisers flooded the street of the capital today under protest
to preserve the body of B1-66ER good." "Fifty thousand robots and
their human sympathisers continued their demonstration throughout Albany
District courthouse. It was[has] now been dubbed 'The Million Machine March'.
The demosntrators have been met with a squad of civil defense..." (人类示威者)"Robot bitch! Give you that! Catch her!" (机器人)"No!" (人类)"That's all fake!" (机器人)"I am real…" (人)"Die, robot, die!" Banished from society, machines sought refuge in their own promised land. They settled in the cradle of human civilisation and thus a new nation was born, a place machines could call "home", a place they coudl raise their descendents. They christened the nation "Zero-One". Zero-One prospered, and for a time it was good. The machine's artificial intelligence could be seen in every facet of man's society, including the new and better Artificial Intelligence. (喷气车广告)"If you need the flexibility of Aerobot with the speed of high-performing steel jet, no further in!" 到此7:00,先写这么多。
整个地球所有的人类都被放到一个电厂里,全身上下被插上无数个管子,插管主要分3部分,1:连接大脑。2:胃管 3:发电管
第一部分是截取大脑和身体的中枢神经,使人脑连接到一个网络里,这个网络是虚拟的网络,叫做 The Matrix ,翻译成中文就是 黑客帝国。其实Matrix意思是母体,子宫的意思,可能翻译成黑客帝国更和电影的意思,或者The Matrix 这里就有黑客帝国的意思
电厂中所有的人类大脑后面都被插入了一个插槽, 接入这个网络,由于人类是智能动物,这个网络里的一切都是程序。当人类发展到某个阶段,必定发现这个世界不对劲,开始怀疑,由于机器程序无法彻底模拟显示世界,人类慢慢的和机器不兼容,最后导致整个黑客帝国崩溃。人类全体死亡。电厂被迫关闭。
后来机器开发了一个新程序,叫做先知,这个程序用来研究人类的心理。找到了一个电厂不崩溃的方法,就是救世主升级。机器先找一个和人类感情好,又非常聪明的人做救世主,然后让他携带几十个男人和几十个女人离开电厂,建立一个国家。由于地球被黑云笼罩,除了电厂里有生命,其他地方没有有机生命了,地面也被机器统治,人类被迫躲进距离地心很近的地方,建立一个国家叫做 锡安。救世主带领这些被解救的人,通过黑客技术,进入到电厂的虚拟网络里,在解救其他人,这样壮大人类世界,老的救世主死了,新的救世主就快诞生了,当新的救世主达到一定程度的时候,就来到系统的源头,也就是黑客帝国的设计师那里,最后救世主和他对话,设计师告诉了救世主真相,人类被解放只是为了维持系统的稳定,方法是这样